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(更新 2024-05-04) us patent   相關網站列表 | 相關企業商業資訊
us patent 相關新聞列表
    1. RGB Patent Attorneys

      The firm was founded in Feb. of 2009 after the founder obtained Taiwan Patent Attorenys license in 2009 after serving a Patent Agent for about 25 years. Other than serving an a Councilor of TW Patent Attorney Association for the term of 2010-2012, the founder also serves as the Chair of Right-Asse...

      電話:02-66173003    地址:台北市大安區Roosevelt Road, 5th Fl., No. 245, Sec. 3

    2. 光謙企業有限公司

      ...lping patients and old people to enjoy new and normal life. We develop the patented products such as wheelchair, folding construction shower bench, commode chair, rehabilitation products, etc. We have received high praises from our customers because of innovative products and excellent quality. Our...

      電話:02-26088925    地址:新北市林口區新北市林口區南勢村文化三路1段366號3樓地圖

    3. 新世紀資訊企業社

      New Era Corp is a start-up corporation. Based on a all new patented customized C2C platform, we aim to explore international e-commerce market. Our team consists of e-commerce and multi-media talented guys. We are in testing stage, and we are looking for an experienced web programer to join our team...

      電話:06-2361862    地址:台南市東區長榮路一段256號10F-6

    4. 新聚能科技顧問有限公司

      ...System智慧財產管理制度導入 TIPS專利組合策略分析與規劃 Patent Portforlio Strategy Analysis Planning專利檢索分析軟體 Patent search Analysis Software專利/商標/設計資料庫 Patent/Trademark/Design Database技術交易 Technology Transfer 知識委外服務 knowledg...

      電話:02-27298434    地址:台北市信義區信義路五段五號3D-34地圖

    5. DO"US汽車零件車工廠商


      電話:02-29666053    地址:新北市板橋區瑞安街37號2樓

    6. 利伯特有限公司

      ... moto has become an innovator in LED lighting.Our technologically superior patented optical system surpasses all others in quality and brightness. Customers recognize Z moto by our quality, customer service and innovation, which gives us the advantage to stay one step ahead of the competition. Our s...

      電話:04-25629974    地址:台中市神岡區溪頭路58巷25號

    7. 美商新智影音有限公司台灣分公司(Nuforce. Inc)

      ...ease the pocket - in short, best-in-class at every price point. Built upon patented technologies, our switching amps, which have earned us Amplifier-of-the-Year awards in the United States and Japan, have likewise established our position at the forefront of audio’s fiercely competitive marketplac...

      電話:02-27110697    地址:台北市大安區忠孝東路3段235-6號4樓

    8. 新南陽國際教育文化有限公司

      南陽留學顧問提供的服務項目: 1 專業申請US News排名前100名美國商學院: PHD博士班//MBA/MS—Accounting/Finance/MIS/HR/Technology Management/Real Estate Management 2 專業申請US News排名前100名美國理工科學院博士班及碩士學位: CS/EE/ME/Material Science 3 ...

      電話:02-25010098    地址:台北市中山區南京東路二段160號8樓

    9. 國際直線科技股份有限公司(SKF ABBA)

      ...ne of premier manufacturer in the worldwide. Our professional products and patent designs have gained the symbol of being the creative and most professional company by the Award of Creative Innovation Prize, the Rising Star Award、National Business Start-up Award and Taiwan Symbol of Excellence Win...

      電話:02-22681133    地址:新北市土城區中山路75號

    10. 富力電子有限公司

      本公尺目前以太陽能光電產品為主, 客戶主要為台積電, 新日光, 茂迪...等! The source is mainly from China, US and Korea. We are looking forward to high potential and challenging guys joing us. If you are interested in our business, please call and visit us.

      電話:03-6673112    地址:新竹縣竹北市光明六路東一段247號12F

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